Połacak human rights activist Yury Belski home April 21 attended by representatives of the guardianship authority Połacak regional executive committee. This is another consequence of the involvement of civil society activists to administrative responsibility for frivolous reasons during the civil actions that took place in the country.
Control by the guardianship authorities for the lives of children of all the parents, who were brought to administrative responsibility for disorderly conduct, provided for by decree №18 «On Additional Measures of State protection to children in dysfunctional families." Thus, for all citizens who are minors, who courts convicted for disorderly conduct based on invented accusations of policemen using foul language, are required to come to the guardianship.
The culprit before the acquisition of the power of a court decision
And the check is carried out, even if the court's decision has not yet entered into force. Formal guardianship authorities should check the situation of children in the family. Family social activists, as a rule, successful, and body care such checks only bring additional volumes of work.
Police – guilty of checks
Yury Belski told the representatives of the guardianship of the circumstances unlawful actions of employees of Połacak district police department, who accused him in a dream offense.
Officials who planted job Połacak guardianship and trusteeship body, it:
1. The investigator Połacak interdistrict department of the Investigative Committee (IDIC) Kastsyuchenka SM, which passed a resolution on human rights defenders forced drive to the Investigative Committee.
2. A member of the police department of the Połacak Mackiewicz SV, which deliver Yury Belski in Połacak IDIC waiting for him there for 2 hours and 30 minutes to lock – suddenly a human rights activist is foul language in the Investigative Committee building. Then write a report on far-fetched reasons, to give evidence and testify in court.
3. A member Połacaky police department Kostsezh AM, which deliver Yury in Połacak IDIC, also waiting for it there for 2 hours 30 minutes, to be present during anticipation abuse mat in building Investigation Committee. Give evidence and testify in court, because you need two witnesses.
4. A judge of the court of Połacak District and city of Połacak Balika VI, who drew public activists to administrative responsibility for st.17.1 and found that video surveillance is really being in the Investigative Committee building, but not being video. Accordingly, there is no evidence of the correctness assertions Yury Belski his innocence. And do not believe the testimony of police officers who have been waiting nearly three hours of battle, he had no reason.
Hunters – no bullies
If among the citizens, attracted by the court for disorderly conduct during public protests, there are also fans of hunting with a weapon, you may experience problems keeping weapons at home. Law on weapons in Belarus provides that citizens who have been subjected to administrative penalties for disorderly conduct, are not eligible to purchase a hunting weapon.
Alexander Morozov