Monument in honor of the rebels in 1863 in the village of Pahościšča, Lozna district appeared on the initiative of the local teacher Elena Grechishnikava in 2006. But take care of it mostly Vorša residents, and for good reason: after all, a monument raised in honor of the last fight insurgents is Vorša squad. That fight took place April 26, 1863. For the third year orshantsy come here August 28 – the day of the shooting of the commander of the detachment Ignat Budzilovich.
At this time we came not only Vorša residents, from Lozna come people who put the monument, and profit from Viciebsk candidates for parliament Alexey Gavrutikov, who is running for Sianno district, and Christopher Zhelyapau, who is running for one of the Viciebsk districts.
Alexey Gavrutikov
Christofor Zhalapau