Vitebsk regional court sent the civil case on the suit of the Belarusian Conservative Party "White Russia" Sergey Ryzhov Vitebsk companies to "Pharmacy" in Vitebsk district court. The hearing will take place on the 3rd of October.
Sergey Ryzhov said that the defendant had violated his right to free choice of consumer goods and this caused him moral damages. Conflict occurred when a pharmacy owned Vitebsk company "Pharmacy", pharmacist pharmacist refused Ryzhov in acquiring the drug "Aksikort" without a prescription.
Guide "pharmacy" to find a violation of the rules dispensing drugs to employees (the ointment "Aksikort" without prescription).But in court Pervomaisky district of Vitebsk, where on September 10 held a preliminary meeting, the representatives of the defendant refused to accept the claim.
Ryzhov required to collect from the owner of the pharmacy three thousand rubles - the difference in the price of drugs, which in the end he bought another pharmacy, as well as costs incurred in the preparation of the statement of claim in the amount of 49 thousand 200 rubles. In addition, Ryzhov insisted on compensation for moral damage caused to it by now, "Pharmacy", in the amount of one base unit. He also asked the court to make a special ruling on the Respondent of violating the law № 90-W "consumer rights" and other normative documents.
Ryzhov deal on Consumer Protection, 10-11 September began examining Pervomaisky district court of Vitebsk. But the next day the previous process Judge Natal v Brovko have reported that the case will be sent to the Regional Court for transfer to another district court. This decision is based on the fact that the head of the pharmacy number 127, where, according to Ryzhov, his rights were violated, there is a relative of the bailiff of the court Pervomaisky district.
This circumstance was the first day of a preliminary meeting repeatedly stated Sergey Ryzhov. According to him, the judge took this into account only after Ryzhov warned that writing will appeal to international bodies to include judges in the list of persons restricted to travel to EU countries. Prior to that, Sergey Ryzhov said four times challenged the judge, all were rejected.
According to Ryzhov, preliminary process in the court of Vitebsk were held with numerous violations. Court rejected the plaintiff in the study of all the circumstances of the case, on a priority basis to render an impartial decision. The judge has repeatedly refused to meet the legal requirements Ryzhov call as witnesses those who witnessed the mental suffering caused to the plaintiff employee pharmacy.
And this orgy held daily on a b course and the arms of the homeland of the plaintiff in the hall and the court in the Republic of Belarus!
In his blog Sergey Ryzhov sharply assesses attitude in court as "blyuznerski and refined mockery of law-abiding citizen", and the preliminary process calls the "orgy": "And this orgy was held daily for hours at a b course and the arms of the motherlandplaintiff the hall and the court in the Republic of Belarus "
Now consider the case of the Vitebsk district court, where he redirected the Vitebsk regional court.
"Judging by the terrible th supravazhen ni signed by the chairman Regional Court Hamichenka Nicholas , in which he demands to report the results " without repeated reminders to " , the process promises to be interesting - as in Kutch b or performance b NOT law court, and on his GOVERNMENTAL Rushen b NO x . Because I b Biran expand requirements b and allocate any part of the case Individual th - recognition of b or action Vitebsk m e Dick politically motivated , which causeintentional th interaction in my healthy th . For this reason I have sent a letter of complaint to Sousse b vetnuyu Health Organization in Geneva, but the answer was not. Unfortunately ..." - commented on the situation to the "Dialogue" Sergey Ryzhov.