JSC "Naftan" employees sent an open letter to the authorities to consider the situation that has developed in the company.
They argue in their appeal that the plant is bankrupt, and wonder why it happened, "Why, when working on a full load when the employees in full compliance with the established tasks, the plant does not become money, with the result that workers will receive much less? Why is the National Statistics Committee reports on indicators of JSC "Naftan" ten times worse than the Mozyr colleagues?"
The letter states, and of the failure of plans to modernize the plant, which began more than six years ago. Despite the fact that the construction of the foundations and metal structures in the framework of the modernization were spent hundreds of millions of dollars, none of the plants planned for commissioning, is still not ready. Factory workers are also concerned that there is a risk of equipment failure, because "under the guise of saving and reduction of terms of repairs are not carried out the necessary repairs."
The reason for the deterioration of the situation, according to the authors of the letter, is that in recent years important positions in the company held by people invited "by": "Who does specifically so that the positions associated with the procurement, sales, finance ... not were natives of the plant (as we have 12 thousand employees)? Over the past few years, with leadership positions with all local competent professionals ... and in their place were placed amateurs almost completely removed, who have never worked in the oil refining, lived in Navapołacak."
The letter expressed dismay at the fact that in recent years the company "Naftan", the production of which is particularly dangerous, was eliminated the position of Deputy Director General, who oversaw the issues of safety and security at the plant and was reduced salaries for all employees safety and security .
The staff complained about the methods by which the government is trying to get out of a difficult situation, and complain about the deterioration of working conditions: "Instead of looking for the real reserves in production during the crisis to save prescribed stationery, paper, soap, etc. Working with the team at the meetings referred only to the need shrink wage, collective agreement to suspend, remove all of the benefits, get rid of social facilities." According to the open letter, recently abandoned factory "Polymir" children's camp, camp sites "Polymir", swimming pool, several sports centers. production of vegetables in the greenhouse plant also stopped. It is expected, and the elimination of part-time fisheries.
According to the site of Połacak branch of the Republican Party of Labor and Justice, shortly JSC "Naftan" he is going to visit Alexander Lukashenko. The reason for the official visit may become an open letter to the factory workers.
As for the reaction of "Naftan" leadership, it is stated that the open letter is fed distorted information on the company is building slander, which is stable and performs all social obligations to employees. Moreover, "a man with a name like that, who was allegedly his [open letter] was signed, not among the workers of JSC "Naftan"..." – wrote the deputy general director of the company Sergey Evtushik in a statement sent to the media.