After conversion, the elderly club "Golden Age" in Viciebsk city public association, the main task of the activity of its leaders see in the preservation and promotion of health, as well as the maximum extension of the period of the social demand for senior citizens.
Rich, interesting and varied life living participants of the public association "Golden Age". Share your achievements, successes and plans with our readers willingly agreed to the former head, now deputy chairman of the Association Wanda Andreevna Tyulkova new chairman Mikhail Luzgin.
Wanda Andreevna, what goals you set, creating a club?
We wanted to ensure that, having retired, the people were still aware of the events taking place in the city, to expand their horizons, remain socially active people. We visited the art and local museums, contemporary art center, " Duchaŭski Kruhlik", exhibitions, presentations... Soon the organizers of events, we have begun to call themselves, to invite.
In what events and volunteer movements involving members of your association?
At the moment, we are collecting money for a rally in support of animals. In addition, we collect six hundred thousand for the purchase of medicines for the sick boy from a children's hospital. Each rents at its discretion as much as can be: five to ten thousand.
We took care of the sick and the helpless old people's homes. We talk on the phone with tuberculous patients clinic. We were allocated for this purpose and a half hours. We will deal with them, reassure, encourage, to comfort. They call us. That type of assistance involved fifteen.
Tell us about your collaboration with other social organizations of the city.
We are cooperating with all clubs of the city, regional centers, libraries and museums. For example, we participate in various events and activities organized by the Viciebsk Regional Museum. Now we are helping in the organization of the exhibition "Fashion of the chest. 50-60-th". We collect things at that time.
In cooperation with the Red Cross, we have the patronage of the orphans of the College of Light Industry. For the purpose of adaptation of teenagers to independent life we were club "Housekeeping". Our women are taught the girls all kinds of housework, and men were taught not only how to nail a nail, but also to buy their wards shoes, shirts. Recently we started to work with the regional centers of the city. Who trained, attend lectures, and then visit the Nursing home residents.
Several people are trained at the University of the Third Age at the University of Masherov. Theory they ended, now - three months practice.
Very closely we the public association "Belarusian Association of former minor prisoners of fascism". Through their participation in a large project, they were able to pay us a visit to the swimming pool, lecture at medical university, city tours. They have the opportunity to attend the event, in turn, that we organize.
Be so kind as to share with the way usually takes a week for an elderly person association "Golden Age".
On Monday and Friday in our club "Dialogue". At 19:20 in the "living room of Music" we have the ability to watch movies that do not go on the big screen. On Tuesday we have a meeting of association, which we try to combine with any event. For example, today Hist Denis O. Yurchak tells us about the history of Viciebsk. On Wednesday, we have a swimming pool and "health trail" - the weather is good we go for a walk to Vitba. Thursday - relaxation on Moskovsky Prospect, 64 and film lecture hall. On Saturday at the College of Music Pedagogical University teacher spends with us special physical exercises, exercises're learning, we need at this age. We are engaged in a half hour. On Sunday we have dance.
In addition, we will visit the museum. Tomorrow, for example, we have planned a visit to an art museum. We have all the signs for the whole week.
In one of the cafes of the city with the permission of the owner we hold so-called "Salon at Wanda." We organize poetry readings: read Tyutchev, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Fet... And we do not impose anything on anyone, everyone chooses what suits his needs and tastes.
Tell me, which of the carried out activities over the years especially remembered?
We had a two-day trip, during which the three hours we were sailing on catamarans on the river Obol, and in fact we were among people 75-79 years. We went outside Belarus. We were in Daugavpils, Vilnius, Stockholm, in which we sailed on the sea on an eleven ferry. Impressions weight: and there was a pool, and a sauna, and a show ... just not listed. During such travel is necessary to go necessarily.
I'm not talking about travel across Belarus. We visited Minsk, Harodnia, Homiel. So, we have something to be proud of. We also have people who write poems. Now we are going to publish a book by Tatiana Provincial and two other authors.
And as such a busy life schedule are your relatives?
Children call me and ask: "Mom, do you when you're at home?". That's when we meet. And so we have no time. We are always something to do. We are in the theater, and at the Philharmonic - we are everywhere.
And finally: What are some of the names of the most active members of your association.
Vladimir Ivanov meets with us for tourism and regional studies, is very active in our Shahnovsky Olga responsible for kultmassovuyu work. Susalka Antonin G. predominates in our financial matters, but Voevodskii Tatiana Borisovna awarded at the national level as the chief volunteer of the republic.
On the purposes of the public association, and plans for the future, I asked him to tell the current leader, Mikhail Luzgin.
The purpose of the club's "golden age" in the first place can be described as entertaining and developing. And it is right. Becoming a public association, we are somewhat coordinated their tasks. Now our main concept - is to facilitate that the natural process of human aging not turned into a miserable Living out. We need to break the stereotype: the elderly - so old, weak, poor, requiring extra care. After all, it is not so: the man lived, gaining wisdom and knowledge, because you need to make it as long as possible remained in demand. At least, we have set ourselves precisely this task. But the main thing in this concept - is the preservation and promotion of health.
We conducted a survey and found the presence of three problems: health problems, loneliness and age discrimination. Moreover, the concept of health, we want to understand not only the absence of disease, but as a spiritual, physical and social well-being. Essentially, all that we were engaged in the course of its activities aimed at the preservation of health. Paying due attention to the physical development of the members of our association, we never forget about the spiritual and creative development.
We are closely monitoring the proposed grants in our field and we are going to participate in these projects in order to be better able to implement their plans. We have a lot of people willing to do good for others.

S. Horki