Over the past 2015 Viciebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society have been issued vouchers in 1117 forced migrants who have moved to the Viciebsk region of the eastern regions of Ukraine. The total amount of vouchers issued amounted to more than a billion rubles.
Timely assistance to the Ukrainians who settled in the Viciebsk region, was made possible by a charitable project of the International Committee of the Red Cross "Supporting Belarusian Red Cross Society to assist the displaced people of Ukraine". In addition to financial assistance, in the event of threats to the health or life of IDPs in Ukraine, they will be paid for medical services and medical goods.
The ability to receive financial assistance from the Ukrainian migrants will continue until June 1 of the current year. Employees of Viciebsk Bock will issue a monthly Ukrainian citizens vouchers for the purchase of food and hygiene products.
On receipt of the payment claimed by the charity single and elderly people, pensioners, people with various forms of physical limitations, members of large families and single-parent families, as well as those workers who, for one reason or another are not going in the near future to return to Ukraine. The size of the voucher is equal to 1 million rubles. The number of vouchers issued in proportion to the number of family members.
It should be noted that migrants are not given cash. According to established practice, Bock transfers money in Belcoopsoyuz of Viciebsk region at the place of residence of refugees and in need of help Ukrainians get food and hygiene products in nearby stores raipo.
And finally. I would like to call upon all the inhabitants of Viciebsk city and Viciebsk region, who are not indifferent to human misery and deprivation, donate money, nice clothes and shoes, hygiene products, children's products for the needs of internally displaced persons and refugees. Red Cross workers and those who need help and support, will be grateful for any donation.