The concern of the authorities about the state among the Catholic clergy in our country to a certain extent we can understand – each State acting in accordance with their political views. This was stated by the Catholic bishop of Viciebsk Oleg Boutkevitch.
At the same time, he noted that "today, this" care "seems still strange, since very close thing of the past while the authorities permission to enroll in the seminary a candidate had to wait from five to fifteen years." A rebuke to the Catholic Church that it is not sufficient working towards the preparation of their own clergy, the bishop called at least unfounded.
"The priesthood – is not a profession in the worldly sense of the word. The first and main motive to become a priest is a vocation, because of the words of Christ: "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." And the church is always in this prayer. Moreover, the theme of vocation and rises in many youth meetings. Another thing – a positive human response to God's call. Even if those who decide to link their fate with medicine – and this, incidentally, is a profession that on a par with pedagogy and the priesthood must have at its basis all the same vocation – is now offered not count on great privileges, much more specificity of the priestly ministry requires make an informed decision, especially when the decision must be taken in a very unfavorable for such a service to the modern world", – he added.
Regarding the misconduct of priests and a violation of state law, the bishop agreed that the approach here should be the same for everyone, and the priest must also be held accountable before the law.
"And in each case the power certainly does not leave it unattended and take appropriate action. However, public and repeated statement about even "destructive activities" of "some priests" pushes the idea that the Catholic Church – a potentially dangerous structure. This in itself suggests in addition to the "destructive" and even the word "sect". Yes, we must recognize the authority of the ability to notice and evaluate the positive role played by the Catholic Church in our society. But in this case, a solid fly in the ointment. Dealing with the method of "carrot and stick"?" – Stressed Bishop Oleg Boutkevitch.