The bodies of the prosecutor's office of Viciebsk region revealed violations of the law in the activities of the enterprises included in the state association "Viciebsk concern "Meat and dairy products"."
According to the Prosecutor General's Office, in the course of supervisory activities it found that there are facts of untimely fulfillment of contractual obligations and failure to compulsory collection of overdue accounts receivable.
Admitted cases of concluding economic agreements with a known unfavorable conditions for the company, which further contributes to unjustified diversion from economic circulation of funds and is the basis for criminal cases (JSC "Viciebsk meat-packing plant").
Nonunit facts unjustified transfer of funds to the foreign organizations and the rejection of further measures to convicted persons who have made such contributions.
Not all enterprises of the concern created by the Commission on the rational use of energy and material resources assigned to freelance inspectors to oversee the efficient use of resources (GO "Viciebsk concern "Meat and dairy products"," of "Viciebskmyasomolprom").
In addition, the enterprises of the concern revealed violations of labor legislation, in particular Art. 199 of the Labour Code in attracting employees to disciplinary action (JSC " Miory meat-packing plant", JSC "Milk" (Viciebsk), JSC "Vorša meat-packing plant" and others.).
In some cases, final payments for dismissal, as well as the payment of average earnings during the time of the leave carried untimely (JSC "Vorša meat-packing plant" and others.).
Does not fully comply with the requirements of the presidential decree of July 6, 2005 № 314 "On some measures to protect the rights of citizens, working for the civil and labor contracts." Thus, the nature of work performed on some construction contracts, suggests that often contracts with the citizens are to perform activities that actually can and should be carried out by regular employees.
Revealed shortcomings in the work to create a healthy and safe working conditions (of "Lepiel Tinned Milk Factory" and others.)
As a result of inspections by the prosecutor's office of Viciebsk region heads of the enterprises included in the GO "Viciebsk concern 'Meat and dairy products", "made 15 submissions on the consideration of which 85 officials were disciplined, including two officials removed from office .
Issued nine orders, 10 brought protests brought to administrative responsibility five officers, the material - one person in the amount of 7,200,000 rubles officially warned about inadmissibility of violating the law by two people.
In addition, the public prosecutor in relation to Miory district chief of marketing of "Miory meat processing plant " prosecuted for abuse of power for hours. 3 of Art. 424 of the Criminal Code.