During the first half of 2015 remained steady trend of reducing the number of civil cases before the Court of Viciebsk region, but increased the number of administrative and criminal. These facts led the Chief Justice Marina Harokhava, summing up the results for the reporting period.
The average monthly load a minister of Themis was about 42 cases and materials. District Court held more than 40 outreach meetings.
For the six months reviewed 812 cases of administrative offenses. In this category disturb which prevails become public order - through the courts passed 239 facts of disorderly conduct. It remains a high level of drinking of alcoholic beverages by citizens or the appearance of persons in public places or at work in an intoxicated state. Often this is a contributing factor for the commission, for example, intentional infliction of bodily harm, humiliation, petty theft, which also are scenes of administrative processes.
Among the offenders appeared defaulters on compulsory insurance premiums or contributions for occupational pension insurance, as well as fans of easy money in conflict with the rules of fishing, for which the penalty was applied. By the way, have been fined nearly 83% involved, only a few escaped with a warning. Among the most common additional sanctions have become the seizure and deprivation of the special right. It should be noted that the court discontinued the proceedings on 105 administrative cases - 12% of the amount received for consideration.
During the reporting period was over 438 civil cases, the structure of which was the bulk of civil proceedings.
"Especially carefully approached the judge to consider the social orientation of the materials related to housing, land, marriage and family relations. Of the authorized civil disputes have become dominant issues related to wages, consumer protection and other", - Marina Harokhava noted.
The majority of these claims were found to be justified and satisfied the court.
Among the cases of special proceeding greatest popularity gained involuntary admission and treatment in the LTP - in activity therapy centers sent 37 residents of Viciebsk region.
The system writ of production materials in the lead for alimony for minor children.
District Court was considered 120 criminal cases against 114 defendants. With regard to the range of penalties to the most stringent measure - imprisonment - were sentenced 28 people, parole got 10 convicts 22nd replace deserved part of punishment more lenient.
Crime rating led crimes against property - theft, robbery, embezzlement through abuse of office. There is high level of crime associated with illicit drug trafficking, as well as violations of the rules of traffic or operation of vehicles. As a rule, repeated throughout the year alcoholic car saga lead to the confiscation of cars. This resonance point in the law, according to the chairman of the court, should produce a sobering effect on drivers who like to ride by degrees, and passes control cars drunken man. There are cases when the accused mistakenly believe the impact of this kind of misconduct.
"Justice of judgments is the criterion by which society assesses the quality of justice. Therefore, the main task of judges is still painstaking and thorough study of the whole complex of the collected materials on various cases and judicial practice, the correct application of the law", - summed up Marina Harokhava.
According to pridvinje.by