About a dozen applications in correctional institutions, detention centers and LTP in Vitebsk region sent a human rights activist and independent journalist Leonid Svetik. In his statements, he asked to be given the opportunity to visit these places to train journalistic material about the conditions of detention and living conditions of persons in them. None of the allegations had not been met.
All responses received Leonid Svetsik written like a carbon copy – in the right places are changing only the names of institutions. "Covering the activities of correctional institutions and in the penal system takes departmental periodicals, such as the newspaper" On Guard "and the newspaper" Work Experience ", which fully reflect the state of life and living conditions ..." – word for word repeats all answers.
"Currently, the administration – on the site of the rulers of each took the time to adjust the standard text and insert here the name of your institution – does not see the need for additional coverage of institutions in other periodicals."
However, one of the responses obtained before all, different from the rest. The head of the penal colony number 8 (Orsha) quickly wrote a custom text, informing the applicant that his application is sent to the management of the Department of Corrections (DIN), the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Belarus in Vitebsk region for approval and the final decision about the visit to the prison. It was necessary to meet the head of the colony for the first deputy chief of regional management – but he did not show much imagination and wrote placeholder text quoted above.
Thus, according to the heads of agencies DIN Vitebsk region, citizens can obtain a complete, objective and comprehensive information on the lives of people who are on the other side of the barbed wire, if they read the departmental police press. And this information is enough, and more – do not!
Here is the description referred to a departmental press.
The newspaper "On Guard" – organ of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. On her lap, and the editorial policy can be found on the official page of the newspaper on the website the Ministry of Interior: "In accordance with the orders of the interior minister at the heart of its activities, journalists edition put the creation of different genres of publications reflecting the theme of service and registration discipline, respect for fundamental orders promotion of best practices, prevention of various types of crimes and offenses. " In other words – a police newspaper primarily for employees, cadets and veterans of the Ministry of Interior. Although, as the chiefs of the responses Vitebsk institutions IND, she, among others, also "fully covers the state of life and the conditions of detention of prisoners."
But the second head of the institution referred to DIN newspaper published directly by the Dean and is designed specifically for inmates. Hrodna journalist Andrzej Poczobut, who spent several months in jail, so wrote about it in his letter to the will (the letter published in the blog of journalist wife in LiveJournal): «Just in prison learned that the prisoners have their own newspaper. It is called "Work Experience" and publishes its Department of Corrections Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the local people it was referred to as "Goat way." And I must admit that such a proud name it bears deservedly so. Traditionally, the entire room packed with letters of thanks prisoners, in which they are unrestrained praise prison chiefs and deputy chiefs of that guide them to the right path, open your eyes, etc. etc. In short, the usual Bolshevik reforging. And the price of this reforging is also known – conditional release (parole). "
You can, of course, call into question the word of Hrodna journalist who gave unflattering assessment newspaper MIA. Perhaps the "Work Experience" – a sample of objectivity, which is to inform the reader, all is well in prison, writes the truth. However, if this is so, then why the heads of the places of deprivation or restriction of liberty were not allowed in their establishments journalists to see with their own eyes how perfect these institutions comply with the law and order, and told it to the public through a wide range of independent media?
Vitebsk Spring