Defending their rights and legitimate interests, a resident of Vitebsk Alexander Cholad in recent years is in correspondence with public authorities and courts at all levels. However, he did not manage to protect themselves from tyranny and abuses by state officials.
In February this year Alexander Cholad addressed to the President as the guarantor of the rule of law. The reason for treatment was the fact that the chairman of the Supreme Court Sukala Vadim and his deputies did not consider his complaint on the merits, since the present complaints unflattering harsh criticism of the court of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Vitebsk. Also in the complaints were opened malpractice of some judges of the district court. Alexander Cholad whistleblowers in proof of his words was ready to go to extreme measures – to pass lie-detector test.
However, a minor official of the Presidential Administration gave the course a complaint of Alexander Cholad, and the head of state has not found a violation of the heads of the Supreme Court of his right to access to justice.
Actions officials were appealed. However, his immediate supervisor, in whose name the complaint was filed, head of department on work with references of citizens and legal persons of the Presidential Administration, Stanislav Buko, refused to consider the appeal on false grounds.
Now Alexander Cholad pondered what to do next. The only possible way to protect your right to access to justice is the submission of complaints to the United Nations Human Rights Committee. But the Belarusian bureaucracy is dead of protection solutions for this prestigious international human rights organization. Formally recognizing the decision of the designated quasi-judicial body, the powers that indicate that these solutions are ostensibly advisory in nature and are not binding.
Vitebsk Spring