This trend is not the first year and usually it comes to accepting bribes for illegal registration of sick leave. In 2014, for such actions are condemned surgeon clinic number 4 in Orsha, physician at Talacyn CRH, neurologist at Dubrouna CRH. Continues investigation of criminal cases for taking bribes doctor of Novopolotsk city clinic number 1, the head of one of the branches in Dubrouna CRH.
Over 2014 health in the Vitebsk region registered 43 of the receipt of bribes, in second place – transport (22), the third – the industry (5).
The largest bribe in 2014 (by a final judgment of the court) took the policeman said senior prosecutor of the Organized Crime Prosecutor's Office of Vitebsk region Counselor of Justice Igor Morozov:
– Jobs and reputation of a law enforcement officer has lost over a thousand dollars. The remuneration he received for the execution of actions using their official authority, expressed in the limited disclosure for the dissemination of official information.
Bribery – a collective term. It covers a three separate crime against the interests of the service – accepting a bribe (Art. 430 of the Criminal Code), bribery (art. 431 of the Criminal Code) and intermediation in bribery (art. 432 of the Criminal Code). Just last year in the Vitebsk region accounted for 72 offenses under these articles of the Criminal Code, bribery was 40.2 percent.