Residents of the house number 7 on the street of the World in Orsha massively came to the meeting to solve the problem of landscaping the yard.
House in the center of the city, where the bookstore "Spring" from the street looks quite a decent. But the feeling disappears instantly when you come into the yard. Most unattended area with feral running flowerbeds, polurazbitymi remnants of the former sports facilities and chaotic parking of cars on the grass.
In the end tenants such a situation pretty tired. April 2, almost 70 residents came to the meeting to convey Orsha utilities suggestions repair yard. Draft plan yet to be agreed with the organizations concerned – by gas, water canal, electricity, communications, etc. At a meeting of the responsible persons chosen from each of the eight entrances of the house. Officials have serious promises to give a little afraid, but residents of the house are determined and intend to pursue work on the improvement. After a rolling stone gathers no moss.