Residents complain of Vitebsk festival "Slavic Bazaar" and his guests. In Vitebsk residents one desire: to rather "this orgy" ended. The reader of Arthur Artuzoryn told about the atmosphere in his hometown these days: "dopeklo this event! In the city not quit: all cars somewhere horrible kolkhozniks left - and "zebra", and on playgrounds, courts clogged with metal. Pity them money for parking, "- he writes.
"Drinking arrived as invaders. Concerts such that "Karluha" [st. Karl Marx] to sleep with the windows closed, it is impossible. In "Zadvinie" does not go around all causing the car anyhow where - reader writes, adding that salutes as luck would run very late. - From salutes have children cry. Salutes as deliberately planned power to 23:00."
Reader proposes to move the festival out of town, away from the center, because "what's the difference where they get drunk?": "Let this be moved pornography for a city adjacent to the trash, urban garbage. There would booze itself. "City of Masters" - nothing new, too, need to be transferred from the city center. And that feeling in the city as on Nazi-occupied territory. Playgrounds collide alcoholics thumps. Defecate in the same place - a holiday ... "- he complains.