In circumstances where the authorities are trying to completely subjugate the media when it is practically impossible to register the independent press, the only channel for the dissemination of information, uncensored authorities, remains perhaps the internet. “Dialogue” has spoken with the editor of one of the oldest independent news sites Vitebsk region Igor Kazmierczak.
"Our website - general democratic. This does not mean that he is the opposition. If the authorities do something good - we praise the power. If the opposition does something bad, no matter what it may be Democrats - we can criticize them. We are trying to provide materials without bias. If we uphold the position of only one of some party, then we will read and only members of the party. We want our site to read and spoke on its pages the whole town "- described the site's policy its editor.
According to Igor Kazmercheka, it's editable - the only place where you can actually discuss the problems of the city of Orsha. This applies both to the present day problems and issues for further development.
"Site (« Orsha regional portal ") was established in 2007. This is a pretty popular site. On average, it has 520 visitors per day, - said Igor Kazmierczak. - Our site is quite kammentiruemy. Yes, there are trolls. But we shall only rejoice. After all, if they trollyat, means, firstly, that deserves our site, and secondly, they give us a really very good rating. "