Vitebsk pensioner Valery Misnikov applied to the Prosecutor of Vitebsk, a statement about the inspection and taking the necessary measures to prosecute employees of territorial social service center Pershamajski district of Vitebsk. According to Mr. Misnikova, the employees of the institution within three years he deliberately give false information about his material and living conditions.
Being a disabled group, Valery Misnikov not have its own apartment and lives in a rented room. He believes that he has the right to social housing, which is guaranteed by the Belarusian legislation. However far-fetched and illegal reasons local authorities it does not provide such housing. To protect their rights and legitimate interests of the disabled has repeatedly appealed to the court, but no court did not protect these rights, citing the fact that Misnikov not entitled to social housing, as he has children who are required to maintain his or her parent.
Misnikov believes that one of the reasons for refusal to grant him social housing is distorted information that is contained in the acts of his survey material conditions of residence issued by the institution of the territorial center of social services. So, one of the acts on the form provided to him the old model, the form of which canceled more than a year ago, and the information contained in the act, in his opinion, deliberately distorted. No other act on the Director's signature and stamp institution. In addition, the act of violating the rules of office work, there is no stamp of the reference number and registration.
According to Valery Misnikova, the actions of employees of territorial social service center Pershamajski district contains part of the offense under Article 9.6 of the Code of Administrative Offences ( Refusal to provide citizens with information ). According to this article, unlawful refusal to grant official citizen duly collected documents and materials directly affecting his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, or giving him incomplete or deliberately distorted information punishable by a fine in the amount of from ten to thirty base units.
Valery hopes that the prosecutor Yuri Vitebsk Romanovsky responsibly react to his statement, duly tested and will give a legal assessment of the actions of employees of the territorial social service center Pershamajski district of Vitebsk, so he will be able to obtain statutory social housing.