A fine of 25 basic units (3 million 750 thousand ) Gluboksky Court judge ruled Andrey Tarasevich private enterprise "Prefect -info" for violating the law on advertising. This company in 2009 to publish a newspaper "Prefect -info", founded by the activist campaign "Tell the Truth" Yaroslav Bernikovich and editor in chief is a member of the organizing committee of the party BCD Dmitry Lupach.
Minutes of the offense was an employee of the Department of Trade and services Vitebsk regional Jeanne Listopadova. According to the document, in the October issue of the newspaper was allowed a number of violations of the Law on Advertising.
But the problems of the newspaper began in 2010. When the company applied for registration socio-political newspaper, they suddenly had questions to the legal address of the advertising publication. Ministry of Information did not like that the legal address is a private apartment, although advertising newspaper have previously registered at this address without claims.
In addition, the founder of the newspaper Jaroslav Bernikovich and chief editor Dmitry Lupach usually participate in election campaigns, including the current local. According to their observations, the newspaper claims to always occur before or after the election.
- Always before the next election campaign newspaper paid fines - for example, offers of work in Russia. Now pay attention to the violation of the law on advertising. Although these violations, I often see in our rayonke and not only - says Dmitry Lupach. - As editor of regret to note that the further release of our newspaper is no longer possible. We exist only for those funds that have had with advertising. Officials, however, we strongly disturbed. Management of banks were forbidden to give us advertising, entrepreneurs also said : "Think who give publicity : it's opposition, see that you did not have problems later." And many of the advertising we refused.
The newspaper does not know where to get the money to pay a hefty sum for it. Already a newspaper actually terminated because of financial difficulties.
Belarusian Association of Journalists