Eight Viciebsk citizens gathered for the day of the Constitution in private territory to talk about life and space and drink tea. But after a while they were detained by militiamen, taken to the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affairs and charged with violating the legislation on mass events (Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus). Administrative case was considered on April 19 by the court of Viciebsk region.
According to the defendants, five people in plainclothes unexpectedly entered the apartment where the meeting was held, five people in plainclothes unexpectedly entered (the doors were unclosed), they showed the certificates of the officers of the Oktyabrskiy ROVD and said that the collected violated the legislation. All were asked to go to the police station to draw up a protocol.
Informed by an anonymous author
This "special operation" was led by Sergei Verakso, Senior Inspector of the Department of Law Enforcement and Prevention of the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affairs, who appeared in court as a witness. According to him, information about the fact that people who "profess some kind of philosophy" regularly gather in a certain place, he received from an anonymous - supposedly resident of the very house where the meeting was held.
"It was called" synthesis of the Fa. "I looked at what it was on the Internet and found the list on the organization's website where 16 names appeared, 8 of which belonged to people who participated in the meeting, which was the reason for the" "Veracso explained.
And they could not think that this meeting
In turn, the accused - all middle-aged and elderly people - said in court that the organization "Synthesis Fo" is unknown to them and they are not its members. Meanwhile, they did not dispute the fact that during the meetings that happened once or twice a month, they discussed the issues of the meaning of life and the cosmos. Could include, including some aspects of the so-called "philosophy of synthesis." All this took place in the form of discussion, brainstorming.
March 15, they wanted to talk about intelligence and intelligence, but, according to one of the participants, they only had time to discuss Domracheva's victory at the World Cup stage and a documentary in which Putin promised to fly to Mars - how the militiamen came.
"We talked about everything, but did not appeal for permission, because they could not even think that it could be qualified as an unauthorized meeting," said Svetlana, one of the participants in the trial, who was accused of organizing a mass event.
"If you were refused - why drink tea?.."
According to Svetlana's explanations, in 2016 they tried to register the organization "Metagalaktic Center of Viciebsk" in Viciebsk, but they were denied registration. The aim of the organization was a philosophical and educational work. After that, some of the applicants became members of the organization "Time to Live" ("Time to Live"), but it did not last long.
"If you registered and you were denied, why then are you going to drink tea?" This is my logic, "said police inspector Sergey Verakso.
"Where is our intellect and our development?"
One of the accused, a woman of mature age, even asked the judge to assist in registering the association, to which that one grinned.
"We also wanted to register an organization for human development, but the president also says that we need to develop our people in Belarus so that they are healthy and developed, culturally." And so, where is our intellect and our development? To us from all over the world come to the "Slavic Bazaar. "And it's a shame sometimes to listen and see our Belarusian ..." - said the pensioner.
"We came to a meeting of friends to celebrate the Constitution Day, and meetings and rallies are not for us, we did not do it and do not do anything." We do not do anything illegal, "added. And admitted that after a visit to the police station (the first in her life!) "I became depressed and became ill."
Warnings and penalties
"Yes, people differently organize their lives, interact differently, but what happens if a guy makes an appointment with a girl and they meet in a pre-determined place and a pre-designated time - this is a mass event or a meeting? I do not think the law and if you admit us guilty, it turns out that now in this composition we no longer have the right to meet friends, because at any moment we can be held accountable? I do not know what this logic is built on ", - just before you get out seniem resolution expressed the opinion from Viciebsk Svetlana.
As a result, Judge Mikhail Zubenya, found Viciebsk guilty of an offense under Part 1 of Art. 23.34 CAO RB (Violation of the order of organization and holding of mass events). Given that they were all brought to administrative responsibility for the first time, seven warnings were issued to the seven participants. And Svetlana, as the alleged organizer of the meeting, punished a fine of 20 basic units
Pavel Levinov: This is absurd absurdity
Viciebsk human rights activist Pavel Levinov called the court's decision absurd.
"It turns out that the time has come when Belarusian citizens can not meet to discuss life and their affairs, even in private territory, since they risk being accused of violating legislation on mass events.
But the absurdity is that under the Belarusian laws, after receiving administrative penalties, these 8 Viciebsk citizens will not have the right to apply for registration of the association for another 1 year to avoid such a situation in the future. Vicious circle..."
Зьміцер Міраш, vitebskspring.org