Navapołacak Court on April 26 denied a citizen Dmitry Solovyov in consideration of his appeal against the decision of the executive committee. Dmitry believes that the decision of the local authorities of the venue of public events and pay for them violates their right to peaceful assembly.
In the complaint to the court Dmitry requested that a judge overturned a not legal, in his opinion, the decision of the local authorities on 9 September 2011 and ordered the city council Navapołacak render a new decision that complies with the international obligations of the Republic of Belarus. To substantiate his claim, Dmitry asked to adduce authorities Navapołacak refusal to hold a picket to him in 2014, as Dmitri did not pay for housing and communal services, police and health workers. It is also evidence of a citizen shall serve as guidelines for the regulation of freedom of peaceful assembly, adopted by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
A spokeswoman for the Navapołacak City Council in court Svetlana Stolyarova filed a motion to dismiss the case for the court of jurisdiction. The judge then went to the deliberation room to decide. At the conclusion of the twenty-minute break, the judge Elena Vertashonak ordered the court of jurisdiction citizen Solovyov requirements, as requested by the employee of the executive committee. Referring to the norms of the Belarusian legislation, the judge said that such demands of citizens to local authorities should consider the prosecutor's office.
Dmitry Solovyov said that he intends to appeal against the judge's ruling illegal Vertashonak to the Regional Court. For the preparation of sound appeals court refuses to Dmitry has ten days. The court's decision is of great importance to the public, so present in the courtroom, activists of local NGOs. Peaceful assembly is part of the work of these organizations. During the break, the hearing activists talked about how important it is for the public to have a legal and available to all the order of organization of peaceful assembly in the city.
Alexander Morozov