Unemployed from Połacak Petr Suvorov lives by helping neighbors. The government has put him in the conditions of life – no jobs, no livelihoods.
Citizens who do not work more than 183 days a year, officials believe evade finance government spending. But if a person has been registered at the employment office, the state exempt him from payment of fees to the needs of public expenditure. However, citizens registered as unemployed, lead a miserable existence. Unemployment benefit amounts to about $ 10 per month, the unemployed live off alms compassionate citizens, interrupting on bread and water.
Petr Suvorov has lost his job in building trust in November 2015, has been registered in June 2016 at the employment office. Sometimes it gets a grant in 21 rubles, lives by the help of neighbors.
For unemployment benefits have to work on public works certain number of days. But Połacak employment office does not provide sufficient days of the unemployed to receive benefits.
The former candidate for deputy Anatoly Prokopenko, having learned about the plight of Peter, helped him get a lump sum that somehow helps brighten existence.
Unemployed people are largely unaware of their rights and opportunities to receive one-time financial assistance. Peter would never have received a one-time assistance from the Department of Social Protection, if he did not help his friend Anatoly.