In summing up the 2016 Belarusian Association of Journalists noted the good organization of the work of BAJ branches in Viciebsk region. Diplomas were awarded BAJ activists of three regional organizations of the Viciebsk region: Hłybokaje, Połacak and Viciebsk. And Viciebsk branch of Belarusian Association of Journalists is the second year in a row is the winner among all organizations of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.
When asked how it is to be the most active, the chairman of the Viciebsk branch of BAJ Elena Stepanova said: "We manage to be active, because we are doing what we are interested. We do not have the so-called democratic centralism. Therefore, we have no controls on the part of, no we do not order what to do, what not to do. And because we have people enterprising and active, that we compose ourselves event."
"We are many, so we have a separation of interests, – Elena Stepanova continued her story. – Photographers can take pictures and participate in various photo exhibitions. Who writes, is engaged for interesting events. In general, everyone does their own interesting things and it involves others."
Chairman of Hłybokaje branch of BAJ Tatiana Smotkina and chairman of Połacak branch Victor Stukov were awarded with diplomas for conscientious work in the interests of the organization and responsible attitude to their social responsibilities.
Tatiana Smotkina told that their community-friendly Hłybokaje BAJ journalists formed already traditional events, the organization of which they are involved with their friendly community activists. This is the annual Christmas meeting of journalists and social activists and the summer festival "Bulbyany fest" in Hiermanavičy, organized jointly with activists from Šarkoŭščyna.
It has become a tradition that journalists from Viciebsk, Połacak and Hłybokaje travel to visit each other in the event organized in the branches. The branches are conducted various seminars, meetings with the media persons, lawyers, psychologists, and other interesting people. In 2016, a joint meeting of BAJ branches of the Viciebsk region was held in Połacak with watching a documentary about a BAJ veteran Boris Khamaida, who 20 years ago was one of the founders of the Belarusian Association of Journalists. General meeting of the representatives of Viciebsk BAJ branches should become traditional – such wish all the participants expressed Połacak meeting.
The successful operation of the branches of the BAJ Viciebsk region caused by the fact that the organizational activities are carried out in accordance with plans that develop the activists at the beginning of each year. In 2017 BAJ branches in the region are also planned already traditional and new creative event.
Alexander Morozov