It turns out, the area near the railway "Łučosa" station in Viciebsk – is not only a place of pilgrimage for gardeners and lovers in the forest. There flock and pet owners to carry their pets in the last journey.
The unusual graveyard lies on one of the forest edges near the water intake. Most of the owners of our brethren are subject to burial with full responsibility: on the small graves installed fences, signs with the names and years of life, a number of small animals are favorite toys and artificial flowers. There are even miniature granite monuments and crosses. It is also noticeable that some of the graves continue to care, although since the death of many years had passed. The degree of attachment to the four-legged and bitterness of their loss show epitaphs like "Remember. Love. We grieve."
Judging by the number of the dead and the dates indicated, the cemetery began to take shape since the mid-1990s and is still growing. New tombstones appear regularly, despite the fact that it is illegal. At the road there is a sign that says: "The zone of sanitary protection of the water intake "Łučosa". Work on the disposal of animals is strictly prohibited. A fine of 10 basic units." Administrative liability is provided and the Rules for keeping dogs and cats, established the Council of Ministers. They say that "the burial of dead animals is carried out in the manner specified by technical normative legal acts in the field intended for this purpose." Otherwise, the violator will have to pay from 1 to 15 basic units.
By the way, the graveyard near the station "Łučosa" – is not the only place in town where illegally buried animals. The same pattern can be observed near the Soviet army complex cultural-mass rest. I think there are still a number of smaller graves. How many cats and hamsters buried in the bushes near the high-rise buildings! So why do people still have no offer civilized bury or cremate pets?
While in Viciebsk after the death of your pet can officially go only biothermic hole, located in the village Ranina, Viciebsk district, said the city veterinary station. However, caring owner, of course, would not want to use this option.
And there's only crematorium in Minsk. Apparently, this service is worth more than 100 rubles. no demand, if not wishing to open a business on the incineration of corpses in the regional center.
It turns a double edged sword. On the one hand, dog lovers and cat owner does not want the remains of their pets municipal service workers converted into compost, on the other – they also refuse to pay to specialized organizations.
Edward Karolevich, vitvesti.by