It used to Navapołacak constantly found himself in the lists of the richest cities and "Naftan" – the richest companies. Now here come the news of the accident and the disastrous economic situation of the local plants.
Journalists tried to find out why from Navapołacak leave qualified.
Well it was here five years ago
Along the streets of Youth – the central avenue of Navapołacak – built up regular high-rise buildings. Previously, many could afford based on credit.
"This is evidence of the fact that five years ago, everything was fine – says Vladimir Kuntcevich, democracy activist and former engineer" Polimir ".
Kuntcevich worked for 16 years on "Polimir" – the second in importance after the Navapołacak factory "Naftan". He said that the good times have ended here in 2012, when engineers salary reached 1500 dollars per month. But for four years, as a salary in rubles is not raised, but because people are getting 2-3 times less.
"On the "Naftan" even began to appear vacancy, which has never happened before – says Kuntcevich. – No family has been difficult to get here."
While Navapołacak lives by inertia rich city. As before, the prices are higher than in neighboring Połacak. Even state stores they differ. All the same, the local can afford to pay for the goods.
What is the average salary today "Polimir" factory administration refused to communicate by phone, because "cannot see who is sitting at the other end." However, in November 2015 the General Director of the company Oleg Zhebin described the situation as "a failure".
The failure is confirmed by workers of "Polimir". Sergey, work 5th category with 15 years of experience said that the salary in 2012 rubles is almost grown. At 6 million per month in 2012, he could not afford to go to a couple of weeks in Turkey, or a month in the Crimea.
"Compared with the same Viciebsk we were richer machines in our town were better, – says Sergey. – And now caught up with all."
A city built on oil
How is it an oil refinery in Navapołacak has appeared? Through passes Połacak branch pipeline "Druzhba". The Soviet government needed a refinery near the western borders. In addition, there was near a major transport hub – Połacak.
"Navapołacak was not meant as a city, – says Anatoly Kulik, the first deputy of the city council Navapołacak BPF and former engineer" Polimir ". – We expect that will be here to work in shifts."
But gradually around the refinery were other chemical production. Within 10 years after the start of "Naftan" in Navapołacak it had more inhabitants than in Połacak. Today there live 102 thousand people, and in Połacak – 85,000.
All the short history of the city rages around oil. In the early 1960s he even thought to call "Naftabud". Major holidays Navapołacak – Youth Day and the Day of the oil and gas industry.
"We insisted that the city was not built only on oil, – said Kulik. – But it did not budge. He remained monotown".
Salaries in the "Naftan" were high, and the work enough for all. In such conditions to develop other enterprises did not have to.
"Everyone is happy with the state, – said Kulik. – Salaries here were the highest in Belarus."
To dilute the petrochemical industry, in Navapołacak invited Shakutin
City officials are trying to get away from the petrochemical dependence, says Olga Kazak, head of the executive committee of the economy. New investors are looking at foreign forums, as well as carry out investment forums in Navapołacak.
As long as there is an agreement only with businessman Alexander Shakutin. By 2022 he had run three factories for the production of automotive components at the site of the former plant of protein and vitamin concentrates. It even issued a special decree of the president.
"They are at the design stage, – said Kazak. – Now and in the company's limited resources. All in a serious condition. "
Also Olga Kazak said that in Navapołacak developing small and medium businesses. Its share in the tax revenue is 35%. In 2014 the city was recognized as the best for business.
"This is a very large share, – said Kazak. – We have an annual open 20-30 new businesses. "
But how to exceed the production of petrochemical plants, the speech did not go. 98% of the total city production is exactly petrochemical. And Navapołacak gives 55-60% of the whole production of the Viciebsk region.
Navapołacak experts are currently working at the Russian factories
Over the past five years in Navapołacak have felt the full impact of the "oil" addiction. Once there are no longer raise wages, many experts began to leave at Russian plants. Vladimir Kuntcevich, for example, is working on a US company in Russia since 2011.
"During the political actions in Minsk, I set off workers. When I put the question point-blank, then they said to me: "Where did you get away?" And a lot of guys working here as nowhere else. "
Most often, work is in neighboring Russia. After Kuntcevich left "Polimir" and began to travel on business trips to Russia, where he met a lot of the Belarusians.
"I traveled to the Russian enterprises and saw how many Belarusians works, which squeezed out of here! – Says Kuntcevich. – There they occupy a much higher position than here. I Come in Krasnodar, and then the chief engineer and head of the technical department – my classmates."
Because of this departure to Russia for "Naftan" and "Polimir" experiencing staff shortages. Add to it takes a lot of employees close to retirement age. As rumors spread that retirement will not pay the annual salary, many decided not to wait for the retirement age and leave early.
"There was a gap between generations, – says Kuntcevich. – Chief engineer and chief technologist sitting young children who lack the support. People who can tell, are retiring. Their experience is not used."
It is necessary to sit at the machine, and sent people to mow the lawn
On "Polimir" still working on the equipment of the 1960s. For example, earlier it employed 12 people in Kuntsevych former office. Now – five.
"If it was a modern industry, it would be enough, and two people, – he says. – But we have a little press. Sometimes, you need to twist, then listen to make sure everything worked."
"Corporate culture" here is added to the old equipment. It brought Alexander Borovsky, who until 2005 headed "Polimir", and then – the concern Belneftekhim.
"Read the newspaper does not work has no right – said Kuntcevich. – And to take a broom and two hours absent from work – is approved."
And now, every week during working out to restore order to the factory.
"Production is very difficult – says Kuntcevich. -. If people are missing during operation, it is dangerous"
The accident in the 104 m shop, assured former employees "Polimir", the result is just all of these circumstances. This explosion was here in 1992 in the same 104-m shop.
"Then no one made any conclusions, – says Kuntcevich. – There was a fire, patched, and went on to work. I am afraid that now a couple of people will be punished, and will continue to work as before."
Enterprises "Naftan" and "Polimir" located 4 kilometers from Navapołacak. Together, they cover an area greater than the residential part of the city. The territory of the plants even busses. It employs about 11 thousand people. In 2008, "Polimir" was attached to the "Naftan".
Anton Trofimovich, Radio Liberty