With the onset of the economic crisis on the Viciebsk markets are increasingly found people who engage in unauthorized trading. Buyers offer second-hand clothes and shoes, books published in Soviet times, food of the household and all sorts of other things useful, according to the owners, for sale.
This type of trade, which is popularly identified with the concepts of "flea market" and "flea market", known since the 17th century. It is believed that it first appeared in France in a Paris suburb.
Today, flea markets spread almost all over the world. Even in rich countries, like England, Sweden and Germany, there are fairs, flea markets. Trade old things in many cities around the world is the hallmark of the local phenomenon, which attracts even foreign tourists.
In Belarus, this kind of trade is outlawed. However, contrary to the official legislation spontaneously organized flea markets do not cease to exist.
Thus, spontaneous trade in the Polotsk market in Viciebsk – a common phenomenon. More often than not here to offer products of the household, the old things, as well as home-made products. Special recovery in these markets have been on weekends. For example, traded a few dozen people on Friday near Polotsk market. Even the intervention of the law enforcement agencies did not scare traders. On Saturday and Sunday the number exceeded one hundred.
How much demand this trade? What causes people to engage in it? For what profit is calculated dealers at flea markets?
This is what we have tried to learn the spontaneous market near Polotsk market.
The man who sells old books, looked at us with suspicion, but still said that the price of its product names, depending on who is a potential buyer. Income small. But the fact that the evening eat and drink, enough.
Two women of retirement age are selling old clothes. We came up with a first order. So far they have not bought anything. But it's not particularly upset women.
– Even if you can not sell anything, it's not scary – shared his thoughts one of them. – The main thing is that here we can talk to other people.
The rest of the answers traders to natural market is not very different from those already mentioned. People come here mostly for two reasons – because of the difficult economic situation, or because of the desire to get rid of loneliness.
Today sees the need for legal regulation of such activity. It is important to create favorable conditions for the operation of flea markets, that people who want to sell products and things from their home storage, could do it safely, without fear of penalty.