According to operative data of the Viciebsk Regional Department of State Labour Inspection Department in the northern region in 2015 recorded 19 accidents at work fatal and 76 – with severe outcomes, including organizations of AIC 6 fatal and 21 serious accidents.
In comparison with the previous year, industrial accidents, resulting in death, has occurred in the 2 smaller with severe outcome – on the 4.
What is the situation with occupational injuries and observance of legislation on labor protection in the Viciebsk region, we asked to speak to the chief state inspector of the Regional Labour Management Department of the State Inspectorate of Labour Svetlana Halaviej.
– For enterprises and organizations of the Viciebsk region in the last year registered 3 accidents in the production of heavy and one fatal. Regional management of state inspection of work carried out 19 planned inspections in organizations located on the territory of the district. Prescribed to eliminate 569 violations of labor protection legislation. Brought to administrative responsibility in a fine of 28 officials of the employer in the amount of 35.1 million rubles.
– Svetlana, name the most typical violations.
– Maintenance of equipment, inadequate safety requirements; admission to the work of the people without undergoing testing knowledge on occupational safety and without instruction; lack of periodic monitoring of compliance with legislation on occupational safety and special corners in production facilities; non-compliance of instructions designed for labor protection for occupations by type of work.
– As local specialists perform their duties of labor protection?
– Occupational safety and health and the implementation of regulations are the responsibility of all, without exception, officials – from the head of the company to the head of the primary production level. However, some of them as professionals, do not fulfill their responsibilities for occupational safety and eliminate in a timely identified during inspections violations. For example, so far these are not eliminated in the LLC "Ecostroyprojekt".
Many executives and professionals do not pay enough attention to safe work performance issues, with the result that accidents happen. So, in May of last year, the death on the job suffered a tractor-driver of "Rudakovo". As a result of the forced engine start forage harvester "Jaguar-850" on the worker had been run over the combine. When conducting a special investigation found that the vehicle has been approved for use without the annual technical inspection of whack. Tractor drivers allowed to work on the combine without education, training, knowledge testing and instruction on safety. And indeed the instructions on labor protection when working on this processor to be developed in the economy.
– What does the monitoring of compliance with the requirements of labor protection legislation?
– In order to prevent and avoid injuries of people the employer need to exercise effective control over the implementation of labor protection regulations and other local regulations, to train employees in safe methods and techniques, to provide ad hoc reviews of knowledge and briefings with officials and employees of the organization, in violation of safety requirements the production of works.
– Please tell us about the mobile group executive committee activities.
– It is designed to provide practical and methodological assistance to organizations to ensure compliance with legislation on occupational safety and accident prevention. Last year, the mobile group surveyed 48 companies in 1217 revealed violations. Constantly working the district commission for verification of knowledge on labor protection. Such checks have been 273 people from among the heads and specialists of enterprises. In identifying cases of failure to check the knowledge of the commission to forward materials to the Provincial Department of Labour Department of the State Inspectorate. On the basis of this information, conduct unscheduled inspections. When establishing a violation under this part of the officials of enterprises subject to administrative liability. For this reason, it suffered a director of "Bel-Keramos» and «Višniovy dvor-invest".
– Svetlana, whether the employer to initiate an unscheduled inspection?
– In accordance with the decree № 510 from 16.10.2009 "On improvement of the control (supervision) in the Republic of Belarus" our management conducted unscheduled inspections at the request of the employer. They exclude the application of penalties to the officials. Carrying out these checks justified in the newly created institutions to ensure the safe production work during the first two years, when, according to the mentioned decree, it is impossible to carry out full testing organizations.
Nina Stolyarenko, pridvinje.by