On appeal villager Kotava Anatoly Kovalenko with a request to equip an abandoned tomb was executed guerrilla family Viciebsk Regional Executive Committee officials said that it should deal with the relatives of those buried at his own expense.
As the local ethnographer Anatoly Kolonitskii, December 14, 1943 in the village of Samosadki punitive intelligence chief's wife grabbed 6th guerrilla group "Sailor" brigade "Alexis" Nicholay Fomich Orlovsky – Varvara Makeevna and her three children, the youngest child was still a baby. Women and children have led to a tree near the village council Kotava where all executed.
Over time, a mass grave of victims of the Nazis came to desolation. The obelisk is broken, it has long been no signs with names of the dead. The fence, though colored with from time to time, too, looked askance. Have not all the residents of the village Kotava know what the grave and who is buried in it.
Therefore, on June 22, Anatoly Kovalenko appealed to local authorities to equip the burial and properly memorialize the victims of the war. July 22 he said the deputy head of the department of ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Viciebsk Regional Executive Committee Irina Kapshul.
In its reply, Ms Kapshul writes, referring to the Law "On the burial and funeral business," which established the cemeteries grave structures are owned by individuals who have taken the lead in organizing the installation gravestones facilities. However, it argues that, according to paragraph 44 of the Council of Ministers decree "On approval of rules of the maintenance of places of burial," grave, grave structures must be kept in a proper manner by the citizens which produced the burial, throwing out why some of the rules quotes the words "and organizations".
But let's not quibble over trifles, as deputy head of the ideology department of culture and youth affairs should be aware that in respect of the grave was executed by the Nazis family guerrilla acts "Regulations on the perpetuation of the memory of Fatherland defenders and victims of war in the Republic of Belarus." According to paragraph 12 of the provision of local executive and administrative bodies shall, inter alia, to carry out measures on improvement of Fatherland Defenders and the graves of victims of wars and maintenance available on these tombstones, monuments and memorials. The same document stipulates that victims of war - a person who died during the occupation or hostilities.
In addition, in order to safeguard the graves of Fatherland Defenders and War Victims set the boundaries of protected areas and zones of protected natural landscapes in the manner specified by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.