After the Investigative Committee of the Viciebsk district refused to open a criminal case on the statement by the activists of the public initiative "Chajsy" found in the woods of the unknown graves plundered by looters, its members have experienced psychological and informational pressure.
First, in the local newspaper "Žyćcio Prydźvińnia" I published an article in which the author tried to convince readers that found in a forest near the village of Chajsy alleged human bones are the remains of Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by the Nazis during the war. Version of Stalin's repressions to which social activists tend relying on memories of local residents and found material evidence in the newspaper article did not mention.
Then, at the initiative of the Mazałava rural executive committee public activists were sent a message asking you to come to the executive committee for questioning on their possible participation in the illegal excavations. The need to give evidence due to the fact that the executive committee of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus received the materials relating to the case.
According to activists, such surveys have been carried out to the investigating authorities, and not members of the executive committee of agriculture, but after the failure of the criminal case disappeared from the UK and the need for this kind of surveys. Therefore, the initiative of the Executive Committee was received by the applicants as a hidden pressure on them because of their very activity.
However, to clarify all the circumstances of Jan Dzyarzhautsau and Leonid Autukhou decided to visit the Mazałava rural executive committee.
As the chairman of the executive committee Leonid Dubina, social activists called only to those given explanations. Then he said: "You caused due to the fact that there was information that you were digging. It can not be done. Arbitrarily, without approval cannot make any excavation. Soon it will operate military battalion. You do not have to go into these things, because you will be punished. If they see that you yourself is something to dig, you will be punished."
At this remark Jan Dzyarzhautsau said to chairman that such suspicions are groundless, as they did on the site of illegal dumping is not made. At the conversation ended, saying that if you do not dig - means no digging.
On the way back social activists visited the burial sites. Says Leonid Autukhou: "It was obvious someone excavated again: in the largest burial pit on all sides had collapsed sand in two locations were discarded shoes and fragments of the human remains, who was not afraid to spread and fire, traces of which not washed away even the recent rain. Perhaps some research can conduct investigative bodies, but the case is closed. Unfortunately, the level of transparency that exists in the country to learn about this community will not be able."
Jan Dzyarzhautsau comments: "Leonid Dubin seems to claim to us is, nevertheless warnings about illegal excavations suggested. As for us now seen the excavation, then based on the fact that the fire burned without fear, I think, burial place visited by some competent authorities. Well, we will call the chairman of the executive committee, which we suspect, and he knows that he knows what is done here. Better polls policemen and not the citizens."
Vitebsk Spring