Office Investigative Committee of the Vitebsk region does not consider applicants members of the Conservative Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front, who discovered human remains near the village of Hayes. On this basis, the investigating authorities denied them in getting the decision not to institute criminal proceedings and to familiarize them with the materials testing carried out by the UK Department of the Vitebsk region.
Under existing criminal law, the applicant is a citizen or group of citizens who orally or in writing informed the authorities of an accomplished or planned crime.
When, in November 2014 had found numerous bones of people with signs of violent death, the members of the CCP BPF apply to the local authority: the investigative committee and the police. The statements of party activists informed of his terrible discovery.
Check their message was entrusted by SK Vitebsk district. Employees of state institutions urgently withdrawn from the pits several human skulls presumably bullet holes in the back of a few shells and bullets from rifled firearms, pieces of clothing and shoes.
All these items have been handed over to the experts that they have established a mass loss of life, their sex and age, type of firearms, with which performed the killing of people.
After 6 months, Head of Insurance at the Vitebsk region Alexey Larkin told the opposition that the investigation is not sufficient data extracted for such proceedings as an institution and a criminal investigation into the mass executions of citizens.
In addition, Mr. Larkin told the Conservative Christian Party BPF, who signed a declaration to the authorities about the discovery of the remains of the executed men, that they are not the applicants. This means that they are automatically deprived of procedural rights, including to receive and challenge in court the decision not to institute criminal proceedings, as well as get acquainted with the materials testing.
However, opposition activists disagreed with discriminatory, in their opinion, the actions of the chief of department SK A. Larkin and filed a complaint against him to the Department of Insurance in the Vitebsk region, in which he asked them to restore the procedural rights of the applicants.
The answer to an appeal signed by the members of the CCP BPF head of the SC in the Vitebsk region Vladimir Shaluhin. He confirmed and established the position of their subordinates from the district office. According to him, the opposition are not true because the applicants are deprived of all procedural rights under the law of criminal procedure.
On this basis, it finds no job and procedural violations by his subordinate A. Larkin, and sees no reason to bring him to any kind of punishment.
After this turn of events in opposition is a simple question. Who, if not they are an applicant for the discovery of human remains at the site of alleged mass executions in the forest near the village of Hayes?
Vitebsk Spring