The Prosecutor's Office of Viciebsk region found a violation of the rights of citizens to receive complete and accurate information about shared housing, said Attorney Department for Supervision over the implementation of laws and legality of legal acts of the Prosecutor's Office of Viciebsk region Marina Ryzhova.
The law on joint construction of housing in Belarus includes requirements aimed at providing citizens with complete and reliable information in the sphere of shared construction, including by placing relevant information in the media (print, Internet), on bulletin boards of local executive and administrative bodies (item 4 of the Regulations on joint construction of objects in the Republic of Belarus approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 06.06.2013 №263).
"Today, the construction of houses with equity involvement of citizens is carried out in Viciebsk, Navapolacak cities, in Biešankovičy, Viciebsk, Dokšycy, Vorša, Čašniki and other districts. Prosecutors cities and districts selectively verify the requirements of providing the citizens of complete and reliable information in this area and found violations of the developers and executive committees," – said Marina Ryzhov.
In particular, prosecutors Viciebsk city, Vorša and Čašniki districts found in violation of the provisions of the above claim 4 for selected objects Project Declaration were not placed on the websites of local executive committees, or it was done in time. It is not always necessary data appear on the stands proud and district executive committees.
In Navapolacak city, Hlybokaje and Vorša districts of design information returns contained incomplete information about the developers and shared construction. For example, do not include information about homes and other real estate (the timing of their delivery), the construction of which the developer participated in the last three years; Data on the Rights of the developer of the land and other necessary information.
These findings are in violation of the rights of citizens. The audit prosecutors Viciebsk, Navapolacak cities, Hlybokaje, Vorša and Čašniki districts have taken measures to respond to address these violations of the law.