The results of prosecutorial inspections indicate that the agricultural enterprises of Vitebsk region cannot eradicate mismanagement. This was reported by a senior prosecutor of the department for supervision over the implementation of laws and legality of legal acts of the Prosecutor's Office of Vitebsk region Olga Gritskevich.
The prosecuting authorities have studied issues of implementation of legislation in the field of agro-industrial complex during the spring field work and concluded that the measures taken organizational measures possible to avoid emergencies in agricultural facilities and workplaces. According to the operative data of the Vitebsk Regional Department of the State Labour Inspection Department at the time of sowing of accidents at work was not.
At the same time, the results of prosecutorial inspections and analysis of economic development of the agricultural sector indicate a difficult financial situation of agricultural enterprises. "Heavy situation in Braslav, Gorodok, Lepel, Miory, Tolochin and other areas," – said Olga Gritskevich.
Thus, due to the lack of funds delayed timing of sowing in OAO "Gorodok rayagropromsnab". During the test, the company revealed four facts admission to traffic of vehicles that have not passed the state technical inspection and having trouble. "The officials of the company is not carried out work to strengthen the discipline of drivers and transport enterprises of machine, the person responsible for the release of vehicles on the line is not assigned, there are no orders on the establishment of the Commission for Road Safety", – said the chief prosecutor.
Not a single fact of non-compliance directives №1 and №3. In this part of multiple gross violations identified in OAO "Usacy rajagroservis". Overdue accounts receivable of the company is more than 90 billion rubles, but the appropriate measures for financial recovery of the company is not taken. Manual management violates the requirements of legislation on the safety of the property of attracting workers to the liability for damage caused by the organization of wrongful acts or omissions in the performance of their duties. "Adequate protection of material assets in the company are not organized. Since the start of this year, with four facilities management committed theft of property," – said the chief prosecutor.
Checks also revealed typical violations: ignored safety standards in the manufacture of fire works, machinery and buildings are not fully provided the primary fire extinguishing agents, there is no lightning.
During the period of spring field work for the audit the prosecuting authorities made 32 performances, 22 prescriptions, at the request of prosecutors brought to administrative responsibility 9 officers, 46 officials were disciplined.