Entered into force verdict against the former chief accountant of the Vitebsk central sports complex. The verdict: the punishment of imprisonment for a term of five years and a suspended sentence of three years, with disqualification to hold certain positions.
According to the Office for Combating Economic Crimes Department of Internal Affairs of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, members of the Economic Crimes Department of Internal Affairs and DAEC Pershamaiski Vitebsk police department as a result of search operations aimed at ending the facts of thefts committed by officials in the various sectors of the economy, was exposed the criminal activities of former chief accountant state institutions of physical culture and sport "Vitebsk CSK."
During 2013 through unjustified inclusion in the lists themselves on payroll she stole money institutions in the amount of 92.7 million rubles. It was also found that by working as a chief accountant SP "Global-Vitebsk," the woman during the 2011-2012 through unjustified inclusion of himself and his relative in the lists on the payroll committed embezzlement of funds in the amount of 107 million rubles.
Prosecutor's Office of Vitebsk to these episodes of criminal activity prosecuted in parts 3 and 4 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement through abuse of office in large and extra large sizes).
Piershamaiski Court verdict Vitebsk acting under Parts 3 and 4 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code, under which the defendant was sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment for a term of five years and a suspended sentence of three years, with disqualification to hold organizational and regulatory and administrative commercial office for five years.