The official website of the District Executive Committee Chashniki placed a number of surveys about whether enough legal knowledge to the population, and whether they know how to use them. Answers mostly negative. As the statistics on the site, in the survey involved a small number of people. But summing up the results indicate that there was insufficient legal knowledge.
So, the question "whether self-Effectively in law?" Said 11 people, seven of them think so. 7 people out of 12 responded positively to the question "Are you satisfied with the amount of available legal information?" The majority of respondents - 10 people - believe that the site of the executive committee enough information about the whereabouts of the judicial, executive and legislative authorities and funds for consultations and referrals. Only 1 person did not support this view.
However, of the 14 participants in the survey, "Do you have enough knowledge in situations that require a decision on the protection of your rights and interests, 9 people gave negative responses. And only five have decided that they are able to protect their rights on the basis of their own legal knowledge . 8 out of 12 respondents believe that the state of legal education of minors "effectively" and "complies with the requirements of the moment." Four disagree.
The most widespread was the discussion of the question whether the legal effective propaganda in the media. 86 people spoke, the majority of them - 50 people - do not agree that the media perform this job properly.
Made on the basis of whether such answers any conclusions, remains unclear. Posts on this site is not, and in the local newspaper "Chyrvony Pramen" not increased publications on legal issues. There exists unless the heading "Man and Law", but it only placed materials on crimes and administrative offenses committed in the region.
The official website of the District Executive Committee Chashniksky reference information, it would seem much. However, directly on the Rights of the citizens here have nothing. Moreover, the official info here has long been outdated. For example, there's a section "Re-elections will be held June 29, 2014," the latest decision of the local executive committee, placed on the site date back to the year 2012. It - also the ratio of the citizens by the authorities, who do not care enough about the residents Chashniki area could exercise their rights in full.