A reader of the newspaper "Naša Niva" from Viciebsk has sent a letter to the editor, which drew attention to the fact that in the Viciebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine already two departments were awarded the title of "Golden Department of Russia". As in the Belarusian educational institution there may be other states of the department? "Naša Niva" sorted out and found out that this title – no more than a pseudoscientific fraud.
January 25 the judicial board of Viciebsk Regional Court dismissed the cassation complaint management Hłybokaje housing and communal services, which challenged the decision of the district court regarding the reinstatement janitress Oksana Mushkat. Thus, the decisions of the lower court, came into force.
Viciebsk human rights activist visited Dnipropetrovsk focal point for migrants "Help the Dnieper." According to Paul Levinau, familiarization with the experience of our Ukrainian colleagues will help Viciebsk better organize the work of human rights defenders of migrants who need protection of their rights. For persons in Belarus is becoming more and more, and the lion's share of them are just the citizens of Ukraine.
At noon on January 28 three and four hundred entrepreneurs gathered in Viciebsk on the square in front of the regional executive committee. Before we get to a scheduled meeting with government officials, small traders from Viciebsk, Połacak and Navapołacak have been organized column Lenin Street to the building of the Viciebsk branch of the International University "MITSO". However, the assembly hall of the institution could not contain such a large number of visitors.
Judicial board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus in its decision of 15 January 2016 upheld the verdict of the Viciebsk Regional Court on 30 October 2015 concerning the 55-year-old driver from Tałačyn Dmitry Golubev, who was convicted of the murder of a senior state inspector Vorša Interdistrict Inspectorate of Protection flora and fauna Gennady Ravkov.
In front of the City Council held a spontaneous rally, which was attended by about 200 protesters who do not agree to pay each time for 50 thousand rubles for the opportunity to fish in the lake Łukomskaje. On the rally and meeting with Chairman of the executive committee said the head of department of the Belarusian Free Trade Union at Łukomal hydroelectric power station Alex Gabrielle.
January 22 in the Cathedral Church of the Merciful Jesus in Viciebsk ecumenical service was held this year under the motto "Called to proclaim the great works of the Lord", during which the representatives of Christian Churches and denominations Viciebsk prayed for Christian unity.
In Połacak court considered the case for reinstatement of sellers of "PołacakStroyMaterialy". At the hearing it became clear that the director Andrei Zhuk installed hidden cameras in the store, "Horizon", and secretly watched the work of sellers.
Mother of many children, a resident agrotown Noŭka Walter Valentina Valentinovna after five years in the lists of citizens who need better housing conditions, not only received no apartments, but also had been deprived of the right to receive concessional lending as the mother of many children.