This time, a case against a Hłybokaje journalist was instigated by policemen from the Pastavy police department. And Pastavy District Court ruled to punish Dmitry Lupach with a fine of 25 basic units, or 612 rubles 50 kopecks.
The subject of the trial was the video "Farmer on the deficit of fertilizers: it's easier to steal than buy", shown on the TV channel "Belsat". The plot dealt with the problem that exists in agriculture: fertilizers for years lie in warehouses, since the collective farms do not have the money to buy them - but they are not allowed to sell to private farmers.
In court, Dmitry Lupach did not deny that he was well acquainted with the farmer who criticized the phenomenon in the frame. And he stressed that the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to disseminate information. Therefore, they say, he filmed a commentary on the camera of the indignant farmer and sent an entry to the TV channel "Belsat".
The judge of the Pastavy District Court, Natalya Maksimovich, found Dmitry Lupach guilty of violating Part 2 of Article 22.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses ("Violation of the Media Law") and issued a fine order for the journalist.
Penalty in the amount of 20 basic units, awarded at the beginning of the new year, was less than last year. Over the past year, Dmitry Lupacha was brought to administrative responsibility for cooperation with Belsat 4 times and fined 30, 35 and 40 base units, which amounted to a total of 3105 rubles.