Alexander Lukashenko compared the profitability of flax growing with profitability from the extraction and sale of oil and instructed to manage in the flax industry "Stalinist methods". The head of Belarus visited on August 19 the Republican Production Unitary Enterprise "Ustye" of the National Academy of Sciences in the Vorša district.
According to the press service of the president, Lukashenka came to the field to personally learn about all the technological processes and understand what is lacking, so that flax cultivation would be effective enough and bring in a good income.
Director of the Flax Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Ivan Golub informed the head of state that the profitability of flax production reaches 70%. "In the best of times oil gave such profitability. And they go still, they ask, – declared Lukashenka on the field. "If we teach the farms how to sow and how to process flax in this way, they will be interested in this themselves."
Lukashenko asked Golub what problems prevented the increase of flax production efficiency. According to the head of the institute, this is mainly the failure of technology. In some places there is also a shortage of equipment and skilled machine operators. According to Golub, the region lacks about 40 combines with a total cost of about $ 8 million.
"So, we need to find 10 million dollars, buy harvesters and finish talking about the flaxing of flax. Create a commission, hold a tender. The larger the volume, the cheaper it is, "Lukashenko ordered, referring to Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Rusy.
And having addressed to the director of the Institute of flax Ivan Golub, Lukashenka declared: "You must control Stalinist methods. Said – done."