The meeting is scheduled for March 15. The purpose of the event: to publicly celebrate the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, which is set by decree of President of the Republic of Belarus # 157 from 26.03.1998 city as a public holiday. The application submitted to the administration of Railway area.
Most likely, the application will not be satisfied, and the district administration rally ban, citing the decision of the Viciebsk city executive committee # 881 on mass events in the city - so for the past seven and a half years, local officials respond to absolutely all requests to hold pickets, rallies, marches, which are fed to the district administration Viciebsk human rights defenders, civil society activists and opposition members.
Executive Committee Decision requires applicants to hold mass events in Viciebsk previously concluded contracts for the maintenance of these activities with a number of institutions: the urban health center, municipal utilities, and a police control. As shown, only the utility sometimes agree to enter into a necessary agreement before filing, the other always find a reason to evade the procedure provided for the decision of the city authorities.
"There are treaties - have permission to hold a mass event. Agreements do not have (or there, but not all of the required) - do not have permission "- is uncomplicated scheme by which act Viciebsk officials, responding to requests for public events. And this applies not only does "mass" events, but pickets. Since the entry into force of the executive committee number 881 to get all cherished contracts could not nobody.
What just not undertake Viciebsk activists to overturn or modify the decision, which made it impossible to use of the residents of their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. And the complaints mentioned in the mountainous and Executive Committee, and appeals were sent to the offices of Justice and the courts served - as city council, that he corrected his decision, and on the institutions listed in this decision, to induce them to enter into contracts. All to no avail. Argument officials and judges that "the decision # 881 passed legal examination, consistent with the law and does not need to be changed", which year puts a reliable block all attempts Viciebsk citizens to exercise their legitimate right guaranteed by the Constitution.
According to the application of human rights defender, the estimated number of participants of the meeting - 100 people. Maybe Railway officials of the district administration Viciebsk in this time is to sacrifice his principles and by putting the Constitution above decision of the City executive and administrative body of the city government to resolve the action that it took place under their control?
After all, as demonstrated by the events of recent weeks, Viciebsk citizens, as well as residents of other cities in the country, capable of without any permission to carry out a much more crowded public events. And if the number of angry citizens who took to the streets, even increase, the likely scenario would be that the people not only to displace the local authorities with their useless solutions, but also will remove all of the current political regime of governance,
Kastus Dzvinski