Clarifying the provisions of the decree #3 «On prevention of social dependency" residents of Viciebsk human rights activist Leonid Svetik intended February 15 during a rally, the bid to host that he gave to the administration of Railway area of the city. However, as expected, the application did not satisfy the local authorities and forbidden to picket.
The deputy head of the district administration Natalya Lepeshkina explained the reason for the ban banal: the applicant, they say, is not he added to his application a contract, provided the decision of the executive committee № 881 "On Mass Events in Viciebsk". We are talking about agreements with utilities services, law enforcement and medicine that you need to enter in advance, even before obtaining permission to hold the event, what to do, as the practice is impossible.
Leonid Svetik foresaw that it was the lack of contracts may become a formal reason for his dissatisfaction with the application. "Failure on the basis of non-submission of contracts will be accepted by me as a deliberate obstacle in the realization of my rights..." – he wrote in the application for the picket. However, neither these words nor by reference to the human rights article of the Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights did not influence the verdict of the district administration.
For nearly eight years, this decision gives the executive committee Viciebsk local authorities as if legally prohibit all not desirable for their citizens' attempts to publicly express their civil and political opinions.
Meanwhile, tax authorities, guided by the decree #3, about the provisions of which would speak Viciebsk human rights activist at the picket, enrolled in the so-called "parasites" more than 450 thousand inhabitants. Every tenth of them have already paid tax stipulated by decree...
Kastus Dzvinski