In court Gorodok District concluded its consideration of complaint of a violation of Jan Dzyarzhautsau senior officials Gorodok Executive Committee of the Law "On citizens and legal persons". Judge Elena Vihotenko activist complaint was not satisfied, believing witness – head of the department of housing and communal services of the Executive Committee Tatyana vellus.
Recall, November 14, 2013 Jan Dzyarzhautsau addressed in Gorodok Executive Committee with a written statement in which he asked to clarify on what grounds was conducted felling firs within the ROW of the road P-115 Vitebsk town in the area 27-46 km. However, a substantive response statement, he did not get so far, and therefore asked the court to impel officials to give him an answer in accordance with the law "On citizens and legal persons".
In court, the lawyer said the executive committee that in fact employees of the executive committee of the aforementioned law does not infringe, and sent a letter to Jan Derzhavtsevu on 27 November 2013. According to this letter, which I first saw Ian Dzyarzhautsau only in court, eating along the highway were carved by order of Governor Alexander Kosinets and appropriate solutions Gorodok Executive Committee.
According to Jan Dzyarzhautsau letter which he allegedly was sent on November 27, was composed in hindsight – directly before the court. Especially because on the eve of the date specified in the letter he was sent another letter – a preliminary response in which managing director of the executive committee informed the activist that his appeal will be considered by the Department of Housing and Communal Services. This preliminary letter dated November 26, and Jan Dzyarzhautsau doubt that the Housing department officials really just one day managed to prepare and send a full and comprehensive answer.
The only evidence that the answer was indeed sent to the applicant in due time, and not have been forged in hindsight, were the words of a witness subpoenaed – head of the department of housing and communal services of the Executive Committee Tatyana vellus. Vihotenko judge considered that the words of the executive committee of the workers that the Board did not violate the law, is sufficient. With magazine outgoing correspondence, which records all expellees executive committee letter, the judge is not familiar with. According to the decision of the judge Vihotenko responsible person Gorodok Executive Committee did not violate the law "On citizens and legal entities", and Dzyarzhautsau in satisfaction of his claim should be denied.