Family Gaidukova Andrew, who is serving a sentence in Mogilev colony number 19, came back with a long goodbye. This was reported by his mother Olga Gaidukov. " My husband and I go from Mogilev. Date went well. Andrew enters behaving normally, the mood too personal. We were there three days : Friday at lunch came back and now, "- she said.
Olga Gaidukova added that " Andrew is a very wants to go home." " May 8 it should already released, so it remains, in fact, two a penny a month. So look forward to, "- said the mother of a political prisoner.
Recall, July 1, an opposition activist Andrei Gaidukova found guilty of trying to establish contacts with foreign intelligence and sentenced to 1.5 years in prison. The sentence was passed by the Vitebsk regional court, and meeting was held behind closed doors.
Charter '97