A Viciebsk "fighter for the truth" Dr. Igor Postnov, which for several years has repeatedly appealed to the law enforcement authorities with a statement that a criminal case against the former Chairman of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexander Kosinets again intensified.
The reason for the new outbreak of doctor activity was the recent release of Mr. Kosinets of the Head of Administration of the President of the country, which he headed since December, 2014.
In recent statements Postnov again brings law enforcement agencies information on the decisions taken by A. Kosinets when he was in the post of chairman of the regional executive committee, which, according to Igor Alekseevich, caused damage to the economic interests of the state.
And, if not strange, this time the doctor- truth-seeker heard. However, the first police chiefs have warned the applicant of criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation. Yet, unexpectedly for most doctors and Viciebsk public, the case moved forward. In early February of this year, with Postnov talked detective department to combat economic crime police department Pervomaisky district of Viciebsk V. Sobol.
In their observations old and implacable opponent of the famous civil servant of the highest rank, is now retired, voiced by a number of well-known facts of failed economic decisions of the former governor. In particular, Igor Postnov investigator reminded about failed modernization enterprise "Viciebskdrev".
It is unknown whether instituted at the request of the doctor- truth-seeker criminal case. But the fact that the applicant was interviewed formally employee DAEC, speaks for itself. It can be concluded that Alexander Kosinets losing its status as a sacred powerful "celestial", has become vulnerable, and the possibility of criminal prosecution against him is quite likely event.
Leon Efremenko