It looks like Viciebsk authorities gave up the slack and still "bent" under belorusofobskim singer. Viktor Kalina received permission to hold concerts in Viciebsk region. Arguments of Viciebsk citizens that touring this citizen undermining national interests and threaten the security, as the sow ethnic hatred, the authorities seemed not deserve attention.
Recall, the emergence of information about upcoming concerts in February Viktor Kalina in a number of cities in the region has caused a wave of indignation among Viciebsk residents. In particular, a resident of the regional center Sergei Sesitsky sent a letter to the executive committee, which opposed the concerts Kalina singer, known for his anti-Belarusian statements and participation in the fighting in the Ukraine on the side of illegal formations of the separatists.
On appeal Sesitskogo executive committee officials said that Kalina does not have permission to tour in the Viciebsk region, and that the latter is explained on the inadmissibility of placing advertising concerts, to hold that there is no corresponding license. And now the singer – a fighter for the ideas of the "Russian world" has received the necessary license.
According to employees of the department of ideology, the citizens are interested in concerts, and many who wish to call them and ask if they will take place. By the conviction of the authorities, are expected to sell-out, Kalina is completely law-abiding and respectable citizen, and if the anti-state and anti-Belarusian propaganda will sound at concerts, the concerts will be terminated.
Obtaining permission singer regarded not only as a victory. Somehow, over the Belarusian opposition. He wrote on his website: "to organize their guardsmen write complaints to me, eagerly accusing all the sins of humanity, and their failures. Requires the prohibition of holding my concerts in Belarus. First under their vulgar kick hit Viciebsk region. Following the verification of the charges against me were not confirmed. Lies and slander – it is their weapons. Lies and slander against my Belarus, lies against the head of state, lie about the situation."
Does this mean that local authorities share his views, and the separatist and anti-Belarusian ideas became part of the official ideology in the Viciebsk region? And maybe, in the whole of Belarus?
Vladimir Bielawski