October 8 in Viciebsk "European House" took place just two conference of the movement "For Freedom". First, the eastern part of Viciebsk members of the movement elected delegates to the national conference, and then at a regional conference, representatives of the regions have decided on a new co-ordinator throughout the area.
Fairly quickly, the meeting participants, who represented Viciebsk, Haradok, Šumilina, Vorša districts and cities Viciebsk and Vorša, chose the required number of delegates to the All-Belarusian Conference of motion and then, after the accession to the representatives of other regions, have moved to a discussion on the change of the regional leader.
Election of new regional coordinator is directly related to the changes that occur in connection with the alleged departure of Alexander Milinkevich by the organization management. The successor of the latter, most likely, will be Yury Hubarevich or Ales Lahvinets – representatives of a younger generation of "For Freedom". All three of them were present at Saturday's conference of representatives of the Viciebsk region of motion.
Christopher Zhelyapau, head of the movement "For Freedom" Viciebsk region from the beginning of creation of the organization, before the abdication in his speech recalled the most notable deeds done together for almost ten years.
On the role of the regional coordinator delegates proposed four candidates, three of whom were to become candidates for the proposed position declined. As a result, the majority of participants voted in favor of activist Leonid Gorovoy from Haradok.
After the vote before the turns were made by Alexander Milinkevich, Yuri Hubarevich and Ales Lahviniec. Speeches of Lahviniec and Gubarevich were restrained, sounded close to tonality. Not one of them before the elections, the head of the movement, to be held in the near future, do not make loud statements, he did not call for radical changes. However, as the bad practice of political splits, re-election leader often leads to the division of the organization. This is the problem in the first place and excited members of Viciebsk movement. Therefore, the representative of the Vorša District Yury Nagorny and addressed potential Republican leaders of the organization the same question: "Will each of you to overcome their ambitions and after a possible defeat in the elections to stay in the team for the continuation of joint work for the benefit of the Fatherland?"
The answer to this question, both candidates gave a positive, but, as it seemed, dispel anxiety of ordinary members of the movement they could not. Do assurances justify Yuri Gubarevich and Ales Lahviniec seen. Therefore we wait for the election of a new leader of the "For Freedom" movement.

S. Horki