Unknown persons, who want to discredit the pro-democracy activists, using photos and videos from the Internet. As a result, in the social network "VKontakte" appeared with Pickets videos Tatiana Sevyarynets, Shabunya Helen and George Stankevich, but with a completely different sound together. Activists believe that during the preparation of the rollers can be used video recordings made by police operators.
The words of the hymn "Mighty God", for singing is a July 27 three activists brought administrative proceedings, the author of the movie replaced the foul language. Quite different content and purchased videos on the picket to collect signatures for nomination of candidates Tatiana Sevyarynets and Helena Shabunya near shopping tsentra "Green".
Activists remember that something like this has happened before and during previous election campaigns.
"Seeing the video of the picket near the shop "Green", first we just laughed and decided that we will not pay attention to folly," – commented on the presence of "compromising" in social networks Tatsyana Sevyarynets.
But the video, which activists sang the hymn "Mighty God," remade in the singing obscene, Elena Shabunya considers not stupid and insulting:
"Firstly, we are people of faith, and it's just blasphemy when someone dares to such things! Secondly, instead of the sound of our songs are selective mat that annoying to listen. This spread to the Internet is simply impossible! We must be responsible services that are able to calculate the author, or even distributors and order to remove this abomination! Thirdly, I have a lot of questions to ensure that it is generally for the video: with these angles we shot only policemen. And while collecting signatures, and while singing. It turns out, the movie with vile insults mount one who has access to a police file video?"