Candidate for deputy in Viciebsk-Chkalov Electoral District №18 Tatsyana Sevyarynets day August 26 held a picket in Bileva neighborhood. At the time she combined campaign pickets problem with elements of children's art plein air called "There are no in Bileva. And I dream...": Bileva children drew their dream. And in the evening in the auditorium of the school №46 held a meeting with voters.
The space between us "Pinsk Wood" and the only one in the whole neighborhood school in the summer: not very crowded, but it is necessary to agitate where scheduled power.
As a former teacher, Mrs. Tatiana quickly found a common language with the local kids. After some time, a metal fence, the establishment of the builders was curtained sheets of paper with the children visualized dreams of the clinic, a water park, library, zoo, kindergarten, swimming pool and other much needed for civilized life and social facility.
The impression that the most active people what they think about the future Bileva are just children, not their parents last took a passive campaign leaflets and silently stepped aside. It was amazing to watch the citizens, who, instead of to take advantage of the opportunity to communicate with candidates, accelerated pace and ran past.
Political apathy and almost zero social activity of society is alarming, perhaps, only candidates from the opposition. Power, unfortunately, do not understand that such an attitude to the policy of a negative impact on all spheres of life, and above all – on the economy.
The certificate of total indifference of society and his disbelief in the possibility to influence the events of social and political life of the country and was part of Tatiana Sevyarynets meeting with residents Bilev. In a large assembly hall of the school № 46 in addition to the friends of the team members in the candidate attended only a couple of random people.
And if the residents of modern Viciebsk district meeting, which took place in ten steps from the place of their residence, ignored, then the long-term observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Michael Aykes and Kirstan Yorganson travel several hundred kilometers is not lazy.
In this situation, Tatsyana Sevyarynets kept his head and did not cancel the meeting and shared their past achievements and election plans with the audience.
At the end of the meeting, I will answer to a question, she said: "I am not one of those people who are afraid. If I went that route, what should I be afraid? What I lost in my life, I have lost. The fact that I can lose is known only to God. But the desire to help people, I will not lose ever." And these words are worthy to be heard by the citizens of the constituency №18, as they told a courageous man.

S. Horki