The campaign of candidates is in full swing. Each candidate was given a five-minute TV appearance, five minutes of radio and five minutes to participate in a televised debate to present its election program and convince voters that he is the most worthy defender of people's interests in the House of Representatives of the country.
In the Viciebsk region on August 25 was the last day of televised candidates, and now is the time to do the first conclusions and share their reasoning with respect to the announced potential of people's choices. Of the tens heard presentations will focus on one and explain why it is I'm focused.
Speech by George Stankevich, who is running in Viciebsk-Railroads district №19, has become for me one of the most heartfelt, sincere and truthful appeals to voters who ever heard me at all. Thus, with its candidate, I had already decided. Now I want to explain why people like Mr. George should be in the highest legislative body of the state.
I think every sober person understands that the parliament should get people competent, independent, strong character, deep intelligence, knowledge of foreign languages, formed with democratic convictions. Ideally – these are the deputies should defend our interests with you, and not the interests of big business and the governing elites. Unfortunately, such people are sorely lacking in the Belarusian parliament – they are, in my opinion, not at all. And so the defender of people's interests seems to me George Stankevich.
Who watched his speech, he noted that unlike many of the other candidates did not have in his words either narcissism or hidden snobbery. It was clear that he is talking about their everyday concerns, about to suffer personal thoughts and reasoning. Speaking simply and available for everyone, regardless of education. It was evident that the injustices of our way of life for a long time does not give him no rest.
If voters had the opportunity or the desire to get acquainted with his poetry and public activities, you would see the many facets of his creative nature and its great potential. This is what potential he said in his speech, referring to unrealized creative potential of the Belarusian people, to identify which fully prevents the political system that exists here.
According to deputies, a simple man of the candidate, which is the highest value of any country, Belarus became a means for the preservation of the system. Therefore, one of the first tasks of the deputy corps George Stankevich defined adoption laws that peacefully change the current system. "We need a law on the private ownership of land. We do not need such an army of officials. Vertical Executive should be elected by the people, rather than appointed from above", – he said in his speech.
Mr. George explained that the cause of the crisis – in the absence of the will to change. The bureaucracy does not want to change anything. To this end, it organized a mass early voting. Almost forty percent of voters voted early – a great opportunity for manipulation of figures. In addition, more than ten per cent of the vote at home.
"What is happening in Belarus in recent decades – it is not an election. This undemocratic procedure for the approval of state officials in the status of deputy," – said the speaker.
If our voice to you really believed, and people believed in the truth of the electoral system and aware of the responsibility for their choices, and their eyes and mind were not zaporosheny ideological dust, then join me for George Stankevich have voted overwhelming majority.
Jacob Drozd