In Vorša district, two districts: Vorša, uniting most of the city, and Vorša-Dnipro, combining Vorša district and part of the city. Candidates started campaigning. In the city there were the first signs of some of them.
On advertising "fungus" far away from the city's cultural center pasted posters of two candidates – incumbent deputy, former chairman of the Vorša City Council Lyudmila Dobrynina and chairman of the party United Left "Fair World" Syarhei Kalyakin.
Poster Lyudmila Dobrynina larger in size than a poster in support of Sergei Kalyakin, executed in red and green colors of the national flag of the current and contains an appeal to voters, no biographical data Lyudmila Anatolevna. The poster is accompanied by the slogan "business – to meet people."
Sergei Kalyakin poster contains no references, but it has biographical information of Sergei Ivanovich. A single candidate from the democratic forces for their election program has chosen the slogan "For Fair of Belarus".