In the parliamentary elections on Połacak city district №27 Natalia Guyvik re-elected, former judge of Połacak. It attracts attention due to its income statements.
Last year Guyvik received 289 million rubles – this month to 24 million ($ 1516). Approximately the same amount of money and other deputies. But Guyvik received by "a deed of gift from physical persons" even as many as 307.91 million rubles. That's about $ 20 thousand.
Among the assets she remained flat in Połacak (56.4 m2), passenger car "Mazda 3" and the 2012 release of the action "Mostovdreva".
Guyvik Natalia was born in 1962 in the city of Kirov (Russia). She graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law.
She worked as a legal adviser in the Połacak manufacturing the timber association, the legal adviser of the military unit, a judge of the Court of Połacak city and Połacak district, Połacak was the chairman of the City Council of Deputies.
Election Guyvik the House of Representatives in 2012 was accompanied by a scandal. Ahead of schedule and place of residence allegedly voted more than 50% (!) Of election participants.
Guyvik family – husband Michael and daughter Olga. Husband a physicist, educator, and in addition, retired lieutenant colonel. And daughter, according to the deputy, worked as a specialist in advertising on radio "Unistar".