Nominee for deputy of the campaign "Tell the Truth" in Lepel constituency № 23 Yegor Levachev together with members of his initiative group for poslednih weeks gave a number of pickets to collect signatures. Among other things, these pickets were held in Biešankovičy and Čašniki.
Both pickets were held in local markets. In Biešankovičy, where Egor Levachev is known better three hours managed to collect thirty signatures. Pickets in the district town is a rare phenomenon, so aroused the curiosity of passers-by. Most often, the protesters approached the familiar and interested in the election. Do not bypassed the attention and rally the villagers, who came to the market from surrounding villages. People complained about the bad life, but hope for change is not expressed. They say, "everything depends on him", "nothing you do not change..."
Several signatures put citizens that in last year's presidential election deliberately voted for Tatiana Karatkevich. One of the potential signatories did not like the fact that in the past Egor was a presidential scholar. This biographical fact allegedly turned away from citizens in order to put his signature in support of the applicant as a candidate.
Picket in Čašniki turned out less successful: Biešankovičy Man agreed to support a smaller number of voters. Although, as noted by Egor, unlike Biešankovičy, in Čašniki people have not been so processed power, and references to the fact that they have already supported the nomination of pro-regime candidate, so the second time will not be signed, it does not sound.
Today, a team of young but enterprising representative democracy movement has gathered almost required for registration of a thousand signatures.