Member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Alexey Zhelnov-Milyukov June 29 Navapołacak investigator Alexey Zborowski indicted in evading punishment (Article 415 of the Criminal Code). Opposition party activists believe that Alexey is being persecuted for his active defense of their rights and of the social activities of his father Oleg Zhelnov who is going to put forward a candidate for the House of Representatives.
Although Alexey refused to appointed counsel, the investigator ignored his refusal. Alexey is on the "chemistry" in Navapołacak, and he was accused of fueling bad bed, long mobile phone charging and payment delay for a hostel. On the basis of these charges the administration of "chemistry" is trying to transfer Alexey into a closed penal colony.
June 29 at about 15:00 Alexey Zhelnov called to the duty of the open type correctional facility where he is serving his sentence, and was told to collect all things. Alexey asked why. And the answer was: "It's paper ... Let's pick up all your things, you being taken for interrogation." Half an hour later charges Alexey put in the police car and taken to the investigative committee of Navapołacak. Arriving to the committee, he was taken in the seventh room, where there was an investigator Zborowski Alexey Sysoev and a lawyer from the local office.
Says Alexey Zhelnov:
– I asked a lawyer who sent you here? The reply was that the investigator. After that, the investigator said he was going to bring me a charge, as a consequence considered that the evidence of my guilt enough. I immediately filed a motion for the application of technical means of audio and video recordings, but the investigator refused me absolutely groundless and said that it is all his tires. When he heard "tired" I told the investigator removal, but the investigator ignored him and ordered to bring witnesses from the street. To explain my rights investigator refused, decided that reading an article of the law is enough.
I made a motion to prosecute as the defender of my father Zhelnov Oleg, what again was denied by the investigator. At this time, the lawyer, who called the investigator, was in the role of a statistician – sat as a simple observer, not even trying to stand up for me and get my respect for legal rights. Then I said that to terminate the powers of the defense, but for unknown reasons, the investigator took the responsibility to deny me the right and his will appointed a lawyer to defend me this, that is, their actions deprived me of the right to choose counsel.
Then I told a regular petition and decided to exercise his right to communicate with counsel in private before the questioning. But Zborowski refused even then and started interrogation. He asked me if I would give evidence, to which I replied that I do not refuse to give evidence. But the investigator brazenly made record in the minutes that "Alexey Zhelnov refuses to testify", and to impose their views understood. Investigator Zborowski absolutely did not pay attention to the fact that I have several times then expressed his desire to testify.
Indicted Alexey returned to the hostel in the "chemistry". The investigator tried to take Alexey "on bail abroad (!)", Which he did not sign, considering the absurdity in humans to "chemistry" to take a subscription.
The incident commented Chairman of the Vitebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic party (Hramada) Eugene Vilsky:
– It is obvious that our party comrade Alexey Zhelnov continue waiting for the trial to these absurd charges. Alexey faces three years in jail, although today it is only one and a half year stay in the "chemistry". Thus, the system Penitentiary Department mocks the simple man, disrupting its legitimate rights and the moral foundations of civilized society. We will fight for his friend.
Leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Lyabedzka has stated in social networks support his father Alexey, Zhelnov Oleg, who is going to participate in the elections: "The outstretched Yermoshinas, nodding Makeys – it's all facade, but inside here it is! Can Oleg wish only strength of mind and will. Now break through the knee does not publicly, but secretly, behind closed doors, but because of this does not change the essence. Rude, hypocritical authority revels permissiveness!"
Alexander Morozov