Interior Ministry issued a decree "On establishment of the distribution of quotas of registration of applications for refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus for 2016". According to the document, a division of Citizenship and Migration Department of Internal Affairs of Viciebsk Regional Executive Committee in the current year should take an application for subsidiary protection or refugee status 250 foreigners.
It should be noted that for the Viciebsk region, set the maximum quota for refugees. The same number – 250 – must to take also Homiel region. Quotas for other regions of the country are less – from 150 to 200 people. Overall, it is expected that during 2016 the competent authorities of the country with the relevant motions will address about 1,200 foreign nationals.
He told reporters last month Aleksey Behun, Head of the Department for Citizenship and Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, before the conflict in Ukraine asked for asylum in Belarus, only about 160 foreigners per year. The situation changed dramatically in 2014, when the country began to arrive en masse Ukrainian citizens. According to Mr. Behun, has reviewed more than 1,300 applications for refugee status or subsidiary protection from the Ukrainians, and such requests keep coming.
"In Belarus, the principle of separation of flows of migrants – Alexey Behun said. – Part of the Ukrainians received permission to engage in employment. Some – a temporary residence on other grounds or a permanent residence permit. Another part of the petition is served on the citizenship."
According to Alexey Behun, not all applications of Ukrainian citizens are met. So, as a rule, denied refugee status to persons of military age who did not come from the area of the ATO and peaceful regions of Ukraine, and the reason for filing petitions motivated by a desire to avoid the mobilization.
It is believed to the Interior Ministry, the situation of migrants in the country in 2016 will be similar to the situation last year. According to published reports, in 2015 with petitions for refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Internal Affairs asked 1227 people, three-quarters of them are the citizens of Ukraine.